Site Rules & Policies

-Dress code is strictly enforced.
-Marquess of Queensberry rules are in effect.
-Take one dose up to three times daily, preferably with food.
-Tardiness will not be tolerated. I have better things to do than wait for you.
-The official language of this domain is American English. The Queen’s King’s English will be grudgingly tolerated; street/urban/rap-crap will not.

This is no Magna Carta; this isn’t a democracy: This is my domain; my autocracy; my fiefdom; my piece of personal sovereignty—my site, my rules, my decisions—take it or leave. Capice?

All comments will be moderated by a panel consisting of Me, Myself, and I. As sovereign, I will decide if, as is, they meet my standards, or I may suggest a tweak or two before posting to meet my arbitrary but perfect sense of decorum.

I am a generally benevolent but absolute dictator. However, because of my magnanimous beneficence, democratic thumbs up/thumbs down voting on posts/comments/essays—reminiscent of the Roman Colosseum, with equivalent virtual consequences—has been instituted throughout the fiefdom, freely available for all denizens to use, but has provisions to prevent abuse, so don’t.

The fine print:
•Proceed at your own risk; Caveat emptor.
•Wait at least one hour after eating before jumping in. There is no mental lifeguard on duty so think or thwim.
•This is not a “safe space.” We deal with real-life and real issues here. I do not—will not— provide crayons and coloring books, no puppy dogs, no boxes of tissues to soothe perpetual adolescents.
•Political correctness (fascistic domestic terrorism) will not be tolerated and will be cause for immediate banishment from the fiefdom with extreme prejudice after merciless mockery, and quite possibly, withering haughty derision.
•The odds of your choice comments seeing the light of day improve greatly by following this counsel:
-Keep it PG. Find a creative linguistically/poetically-rich way to express expletive thought, without using grawlix (i.e.,  %@$&!) or masking middle letters (e.g., M*********r.
-You are to provide an email address when posting comments. Your email address will not appear on the site, will not be seen by viewers, will not be sold or given away. They are for me in the event I wish to contact you to suggest a change to your comment prior to posting it (i.e., make the suggested change or the comment won’t be posted). Therefore, if your email address is bogus and I can’t reach you, the comment will not be posted. That means you have wasted your time, and more importantly, mine. This is an unpardonable transgression. *
-I despise common street phrases and terms like “dude,” “bro,” and especially, “super” or “awesome.” English is a very rich language. Impress us with your command of it beyond a typical millennial/gen-X/prime-time TV or “urban” level.

Carry on…

* A more detailed privacy policy statement can be read here.

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