The state of British theatre: Alive and well in Parliament, the Theatre of State

[with emendations]

Yesterday in Great Britain there was a three hour production that had elements of an open-mic comedy club and a celebrity roast, but by all accounts, was riveting theatre. The production was not performed at the Royal National Theatre or Covent Garden, but rather “off Broadway”
in a lesser stage down the lobby from the main hall at the House of Commons, Westminster Abbey, London, aka: the British Parliament, starring the Petition Committee. It was on par with any of the British import shows on the tele here in the colonies, made more remarkable due to the over-extended device of sustained tragi-comic soliloquarian*™ monologues of Hamletonian*™ depth and consequence. The subject: Should Donald Trump be allowed to be, or not to be, banned from Britain. That was the question.

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