I read the news today, oh boy… #1

A day in the life: Observations on the destruction of America.

It’s too easy to discuss the reprehensible rioting, looting, and destruction being (allowed to be) done by the impudent, illiberal and criminal left. That will wait for another day. So moving on…let’s take a look at what’s happening in the realm of political social engineering under the guise of enlightened progressive thought and political action1:

While the left continues to go into hyper-idiocy over Trump’s immigration hold order, Trump quietly made a politically expedient statement that he will keep in force Obama’s executive order on LGBT Workplace Discrimination, signed with religious fanfare on July 21, 2014 (can I hear an “Amen!”). On its face the order seems innocuous enough, as does Trump’s statement. But…

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My spot-on 2016 post-election/New Year musings

[Originally posted as The Front Page on 1/30/2017] It’s a new year. It will be an ugly year politically, socially, and economically. Obama has left the building and position from which he was allowed to reign freely, drunk with abuse of power due to meeting little or no opposition-party resistance. But we in this country—and the world—will … Read more


I really should stop reading commentaries and news/”fake news.”

If I believe what I read, the world will end tomorrow, Inauguration Day. And when it doesn’t, the broken, the beaten, and the damned elitists, the Democrats with their phony, gratuitous, and hypocritical grievances because the Russians screwed-up everything…or something, and those with their endless caterwauling all over the tweet/blogosphere, will all double-down because they are hell-bent on creating, at all costs, a self-fulfilling prophesy to validate themselves. What sniveling hateful fascist spoiled children they are. All of that is disgraceful, sad, and more than a little karmically-komical.

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Eine Kleine Morgenmusik…


[Updated 1/4/2019]

Greetings to all from central New Jersey on this sunny but cold early January morning.

During my campaign for last year’s presidential election, in my platform, specifically in Section I.-B., I mentioned my plan to reduce the size of the federal government bureaucracy. As I was scanning email and commentaries this fine morning I came across something as I repurposed a little night music by Mozart to keep my mood up.

The object of my reading was the Government Accounting Office’s (GAO) 2016 Annual Report to Congress on waste and inefficiency in the federal government. The GAO is the independent auditing arm of government that evaluates how the federal government acquires and disburses taxpayer revenue, evaluates efficiency and effectiveness of those activities, settles government bidding contract disputes, investigations alleged improper activities, and so forth and so on, and on, and on, and on…

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